Guest Blogger Guidelines

Deluxe Disney Vacation Club Villa Rentals

Share your insights on the Official Blog of David's Vacation Club Rentals

Guest Blogger Guidelines

Our editorial team is always delighted to consider guest posts. Send us an email with a brief pitch before writing your article.

Topics We Like: Our readers like to read about Disney Vacation Club resorts and Disney Parks, particularly first-hand stories about: dining, resort stays, attractions, shopping, news, tips, entertainment, holidays, and events. Browse our blog to familiarize yourself with our content.

  • Word count 500-1500 words.
  • Content is geared to fans of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts and is unique; meaning it is not posted on or committed to a media outlet or syndication service.
  • A balanced viewpoint that doesn't endorse a specific company or service, other than David's Vacation Club Rentals and Disney.
  • We prefer posts that include resources to learn more and stimulate follow-up discussion by posing a question, requesting an example, etc.
  • Please include a short bio (2-3 sentences). Also, though not required, a photo is appreciated by readers to feel more connected to the person writing.
  • If possible, please include some of your own photos to go along with your article. Do not "borrow" photos that you don't have express permission to use.
  • Please submit draft in Microsoft Word to our Editorial Team.
Review Process:

We strive to complete the review process within 1 week of receiving a submission. We reserve the right to edit for grammatical, clerical and factual corrections, and to resize photos when necessary. If needed, feedback will be provided for a revision. Please understand we can’t guarantee publication until the review board reviews and accepts a final draft.

Thank You

Over 20 Years of Serving You

Wizard with sorcerer's hat with guest photos sign